Breast augmentation is a wonderfully effective way to improve the shape, size, symmetry, and contours of your breasts. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your breasts and are prepared to make a change, you may be the perfect candidate for breast augmentation.

Board-certified Dallas plastic surgeon Dr. Vasdev Rai would be happy to listen to your goals, assess your frame, and help you determine if breast augmentation is right for you.

Ideal Breast Augmentation Candidates

Some women have never been satisfied with their breasts, while others may look to augmentation due to changes caused by age, pregnancy and nursing, or weight fluctuations. No matter where your dissatisfaction stems from, the first consideration in your candidacy for breast augmentation is how you would like your chest to look. If you are over the age of 18 and desire full, proportional breasts that compliment your natural contours, breast augmentation may be right for you.

Additional considerations in your Dallas breast augmentation candidacy include:

  • Your health
  • Your preparedness for surgery and recovery
  • Your willingness to follow Dr. Rai’s pre and postoperative instructions

Some of your breast augmentation options will be limited if you choose to have the procedure before you are 22. This, along with much more information will be discussed during your breast augmentation consultation.

If you are considering breast augmentation in the Dallas, Texas area, please contact the Cosmetic Surgical Center or call today to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Rai.