One of the most important decisions that will need to be made prior to your Dallas breast augmentation procedure is where your breast implants will be placed. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Vasdev Rai personalizes each breast augmentation procedure he performs. During your Dallas breast augmentation consultation, Dr. Rai will discuss all of your options and help you choose which placement will best meet your needs.

To learn more about your Dallas, Texas breast augmentation options, please contact the Cosmetic Surgical Center to schedule your initial consultation.

Breast Implant Placement

Subglandular breast implant placement is below the breast tissue, but above the chest muscles. This placement offers a shorter surgical period, but is only available for women with sufficient breast tissue to cover the implant. Subglandular placement may not look or feel as natural as submuscular placement and implants in this location may more quickly show aesthetic imperfections.

Submuscular breast implant placement is below both breast tissue and chest muscles. This placement requires a longer surgery and may increase recovery time and temporary postoperative discomfort. However, submuscular implants tend to look and feel more natural, are less prone to visible aesthetic defects, and may reduce the risk of capsular contracture.

If you are interested in learning more about your breast augmentation options, please contact our board-certified Texas plastic surgeon today.