If you are close to your goal weight but having troubles with those last few pounds, you may be the ideal liposuction candidate. With this procedure, board-certified Dallas plastic surgeon Dr. Vasdev Rai can remove deposits of fat that have failed to respond to diet and exercise, exposing the toned and sculpted physique hiding just below.

To schedule your liposuction consultation at our Dallas, Texas office, please call 972-566-6500 today.

Dr. Rai utilizes advanced liposuction techniques to target stubborn deposits of fat throughout the body. Tumescent and ultrasonic liposuction options allow Dr. Rai to minimize risks while maximizing results in areas of the body including:

  • Ankles, calves, and thighs
  • Buttocks, hips, and waist
  • Abdomen, flanks, and back
  • Chest and arms
  • Face and neck

If you find any of these areas on your body obscured by unattractive fatty tissue, our experienced Texas liposuction surgeon would be happy to meet with you to discuss your concerns and your options, and to help you determine which treatments will best meet your needs.

If you are ready to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Rai, please contact the Cosmetic Surgical Center today. Based in Dallas, Dr. Rai provides advanced liposuction treatments to men and women living throughout the state of Texas.