If you have stubborn deposits of fat that have not responded to diet and exercise, you may be an ideal candidate for ultrasonic liposuction. Dallas plastic surgeon Dr. Vasdev Rai is pleased to offer this advanced option to our patients and often recommends it due to the remarkable effectiveness and increased safety provided by the ultrasonic technique.

During your Dallas liposuction consultation Dr. Rai will evaluate your needs, discuss all of your options, and help you decide if ultrasonic liposuction is the best technique for you.

Benefits of Ultrasonic Liposuction

Ultrasonic liposuction utilizes ultrasound technology to liquefy fat deposits prior to removal. When compared to traditional liposuction, the ultrasonic technique offers advantages such as:

  • More complete removal of fatty tissue
  • Smaller incisions
  • Less risk of damage to muscle and tissue surrounding the treatment area
  • Less risk of excessive bleeding
  • Reduced recovery period

Ultrasonic liposuction is a faster, safer, and more effective way to remove several pounds of fat from nearly any area of the body. During your Dallas liposuction consultation with Dr. Rai it can best be determined if this particular technique is right for you.

If you live in Dallas, Fort Worth or surrounding area of Texas and are considering liposuction, please contact the Cosmetic Surgical Center to learn more about your options.