The ideal candidate to benefit from liposuction is close to his or her ideal weight and has good skin tone. Liposuction improves body contour by removing stubborn pockets of fat which have not responded to diet and exercise. Liposuction can be performed almost anywhere on your body, and can even be used to correct a double chin. Liposuction is not used to help you lose weight, but to put the finishing touches on weight loss, so you can enjoy the full benefits of your hard work.

Ideal Weight and Good Skin Tone

It is recommended that you be within 30% of your target weight before undergoing liposuction. Liposuction does not improve the appearance of your skin. People with good elasticity in their skin and good muscle tone enjoy the best results.

If you have lost a significant amount of weight and have loose, hanging skin, you can choose to have a skin tightening procedure in addition to liposuction.

Good Health and Realistic Expectations

Good candidates for liposuction are also in good overall health and have realistic expectations. Liposuction will not help you lose weight. It is a very targeted procedure which removes relatively small amounts of fat. It can improve and smooth out your shape, giving you a lovely figure, but it will not make you smaller overall.

If you are considering liposuction in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, please contact the Cosmetic Surgical Center to schedule a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Vasdev Rai. Dr. Rai will explain what you can expect from liposuction and help you decide if it is the right procedure, and at the right time, for you.