
7777 Forest Ln C612 Dallas, TX 75230

Saddle Otoplasty

Enhance Comfort and Functionality with Custom Ear Surgery

What Is Saddle Otoplasty?

Saddle Otoplasty is a specialized surgical procedure designed to improve the fit and functionality of hearing devices on the outer ear. Hearing aids often rely on a natural groove where the ear connects to the skull for stability. When this groove is too wide or narrow, the device may feel uncomfortable or frequently dislodge. Saddle Otoplasty reshapes this area, creating a tailored fit to securely hold your hearing aid.

The Saddle Otoplasty Procedure

This procedure involves reshaping the anatomy of the external ear to better accommodate your hearing device. Dr. Rai works closely with an experienced otolaryngologist to customize your treatment. Techniques may include:

  • Superior Helical Groove Adjustment: Modifying the top groove of the ear for a secure fit.
  • In-folding of the Pinna: Reshaping ears that naturally protrude to lie closer to the head, enhancing the device’s stability.

Each procedure is tailored to your specific anatomy to provide optimal results.

Benefits of Saddle Otoplasty

  • Improved hearing device comfort and stability
  • Customization to meet individual needs
  • Collaborative approach with a team of specialists

Who Is a Candidate for Saddle Otoplasty?

You may be a candidate for Saddle Otoplasty if you:

  • Struggle with hearing devices that frequently dislodge or feel uncomfortable
  • Have an ear shape that hinders secure device placement
  • Desire a long-term solution for a better fit

Your Saddle Otoplasty Consultation

During your consultation, Dr. Rai will evaluate your ear anatomy and discuss your challenges with hearing device placement. This personalized approach ensures that your surgical plan meets your unique needs.

Schedule Your Saddle Otoplasty Consultation

If you’re ready to improve the comfort and fit of your hearing device, contact Dr. Rai today. Call 972-566-6500 or email drrai@drrai.net to schedule your consultation.