A sharp, firm neckline is one of the cardinal features of youth. As we reach our 40s and 50s, the angle formed by the chin and neck begins to widen and droop, changing the youthful right angle to a sagging turkey neck or wattle.

W Magazine addressed this particular sign of aging in an article called “Chin Up,” published in this month’s issue. In it, writer Alexandra Marshall laments about the inevitable turkey neck, and then explores some of the options for improving it. Unlike wrinkles and crow’s feet that some people can put up with, a lot of people find it devastating to live with the appearance of a sagging jaw line.

Two of the most effective ways to address the effect aging has on your neck and chin are:

  • A neck lift, which can be combined with a facelift for an overall more youthful facial and neck appearance.
  • Liposuction, which can be used to erase the appearance of a double chin. Oftentimes, aging causes a deposit of fat beneath the chin and along the jaw, which can be effectively removed with liposuction.

Many newfangled innovations like Ulthera claim to provide skin tightening benefits using non-surgical means, but the most effective, long-term way to get a tighter chin-to-neck angle is with a surgical neck lift or facelift.

If you live in Dallas or Fort Worth and are interested in a neck lift, please contact the Cosmetic Surgical Center to schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Vasdev Rai.