Plastic Surgery is Not For Everyone
Even though cosmetic surgery is at an all-time high, some people should simply not get this type of medical work done. The two groups who should avoid plastic surgery are those people with medical problems and those with psychological problems. If a plastic surgeon does not want to do your surgery, he/she usually has good […]
Is There a Difference Between Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery?
Plastic Surgery, also referred to as cosmetic surgery, deals with the repair, reconstruction, or replacement of physical defects of form or function involving the skin, musculoskeletal system, cranio-maxillofacial structures, hand, extremities, breast and trunk, and external genitalia. It uses aesthetic surgical principles to improve undesirable physical attributes of otherwise normal structures as well as reconstructing […]
Ear Surgery May Do Wonders for Your Childs Happiness
Otoplasty, or ear pinning, is the only cosmetic surgery regularly performed on children because the ears are a special case. Unlike most of our bodies, our ears have achieved close to their full size and shape by age 4. This makes them ideal sites for early intervention on the part of a skilled and sensitive […]
Turn That Frown Upside Down!
Do you always seem to have a frown or grimace on your face? Are you sick of hearing “Are you upset?” or “What’s wrong?” For many of us, the signs of aging are heralded by unwanted lines and furrows that make us look angry or sad. Nasty facial wrinkles can turn up all over your […]
Botox Popularity Continues
BOTOX cosmetic is a very popular wrinkle treatment that works by stopping the nerve impulses that make muscles contract, thereby relaxing the muscles that cause wrinkles such as frown lines. The injections take several days to take effect, and they wear off in about three to five months. Repeat treatments tend to have longer lasting […]
Acne Scarring? There is Help Out There
The best way to prevent acne scarring is to not pick at pimples or blemishes on your face, but there are many ways to minimize acne scarring available to you in your cosmetic surgeon’s office. Some of the most popular in-office acne scar solutions are: Dermabrasion, which is considered the gold standard for acne-scar treatment. […]