
7777 Forest Ln C612 Dallas, TX 75230

Male Chin Augmentation

Male Chin Implants

man chin implantChin augmentation is especially popular among men as a way to add strength and definition to the face. A strong chin can give character and help balance the face from an aesthetic standpoint. For men with excess skin around the neck area, a neck lift and facial liposuction can be done in conjunction with a chin implants to strengthen the jaw line and add contour to one’s profile. A facelift may also be an option. For more information on chin augmentation, call Cosmetic Surgical Center today.

Male Chin Augmentation Before and After Gallery

Chin Implant Patient Testimonials!

Contact The Cosmetic Surgical Center today for your free initial chin implant consultation with Dr. Rai in his Dallas, Texas office at 972-566-6500.