
7777 Forest Ln C612 Dallas, TX 75230

Professional Necklift Procedure in Dallas, TX

A neck lift can help to restore the smooth and tight appearance of your neck as well as refresh and revitalize the overall appearance of your face. this surgical procedure can address issues like loose neck skin, small pockets of excess fat, and neck banding. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rai offers neck lift surgery in Dallas.

Aging and the Neck:

The lower part of the face and neck are the very first to reflect signs of aging. As the skin of the neck loses its youth, it starts to become loose and begins to sag.

There is a layer of fat that underlies the skin of the neck and is responsible for neck smoothness. Loose and drooping skin can no longer hold down the weight of this fat layer. Fat droops into the skin and jowls form.

Similarly, fat under the chin drops into the sling of the loose neck and forms a double chin.

All these changes are even worse if the patient has a weak chin.

The skin of the neck is unique in that a thin band of muscle called the platysma lies beneath it. The platysma is a special muscle because, unlike all other skeletal muscles, it lacks any bony attachments. The platysma is solely supported by the skin. As the skin of the neck loses its snugness, the platysma also drops with the skin. The platysma muscle now gives visible bands, which are seen under the aging neck.

The surface of the skin also changes with aging as a result of damage caused by sunlight and elements of nature.

Neck Lift Goals:

Our approach at the Cosmetic Surgical Center in Dallas for neck rejuvenation starts with a comprehensive evaluation of the neck changes followed by a plan of surgery that addresses sagging, jowls, the platysma, double chin, and skin surface.

Anesthesia for a Neck Lift:

We prefer to perform neck lift surgery under full anesthesia. Anesthesia is provided by one of our anesthesiologists. All our anesthesiologists are certified by The American Board of Anesthesiologists.

Before Neck Lift in DallasBefore
Results Neck Lift in DallasAfter


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Neck Lift Surgery:

Many different surgical approaches are available to treat and reverse aging in the neck. They are used as stand-alone approaches or as a part of a multifaceted approach.

Neck lift surgery starts by making an incision around the earlobes that extends along natural creases in front of the ears and along the sulcus behind the ear. Many times, the incision needs to extend into the hairline. Another incision in the crease under the chin is also needed in some cases. Through these incisions, the skin of the lower face and neck is lifted and freed from the neck structures.

Working under the skin of the neck we remove the fat of the jowl and the chin. We then tighten the platysma layer.

In patients with weak chins, we strengthen the jawline with appropriately sized chin implants. Then we drape the skin of the neck on the underlying neck structures and remove excess skin.

The incision line is now repaired with fine stitches.

Light bandages finish the operation. Drains may or may not be used depending on each situation.

Your Neck Lift will be performed at the Cosmetic Surgical Center by Dr. Rai in Dallas, TX.

  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • Texas Medical Association
  • Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • Dallas Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • Dallas County Medical Society

Recovery from Neck Lift Surgery:

  • All bandages are removed one day after surgery.
  • Hair can be washed two days after surgery.
  • Most stitches are removed in 7-10 days.
  • Full physical activity is allowed after 4 weeks.

How Long Does Neck Lift Last?

Since aging is an ongoing process, maintenance surgeries are often required to sustain a forever youthful appearance. Maintenance is recommended every 5-6 years. Maintaining a good skincare routine and applying sunscreen daily can help to maintain your skin in between procedures.

What is the Recommended Age to Have a Neck Lift?

It is not the age but the need that determines the best time for a neck lift. Some patients may experience premature aging around the neck while others may not need surgery until later on in their lives. We recommend that aging-related changes be addressed early so that aging is never experienced by you and never witnessed by others. The average age for a neck lift in our practice is 40 years.

Beautiful Young woman

Surface Treatments for Neck Skin:

Visible skin bands can be reduced by periodic injections of neurotoxin agents such as Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin.

The surface of the skin can be improved with TCA peels or Phenol peels.

How Much Does a Neck Lift Cost?

The cost of your Dallas neck lift surgery will depend on the surgical techniques used, the anesthesia fees, and other factors. Price and payment will be discussed when you come in for your consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

If approved for a neck lift, Dr. Rai will provide you with important preoperative instructions to follow, such as to: Stop smoking at least six weeks before and until at least six weeks after surgery. Abstain from blood thinners, ibuprofen, and herbal supplements starting 7-10 days prior and until otherwise directed by Dr. Rai. Be sure to complete any related lab testing before your date of surgery. Shower before coming in, but please do not apply any topical creams or lotions to your neck or face. Arrange for someone to drive you home while you recover from the effects of anesthesia.
Dr. Rai will be careful to strategically place your surgical incisions along the creases around the ears and/or underneath the chin so that they are as secluded as possible. The exact location and size of your incisions will depend on the extent of your procedure and can be discussed in more detail during your consultation.
Neck lifts are routinely combined with facelifts to ensure uniform and even cosmetic results above the neckline. To save time and shorten your overall recovery period, we may also consider performing these procedures simultaneously with other facial plastic surgery techniques, such as a rhinoplasty (nose job).

Schedule a Consultation

Contact cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Vasdev Rai, to set up a facial plastic surgery consultation for your neck lift in Dallas! We proudly serve Dallas, Texas, and Forth Worth