
7777 Forest Ln C612 Dallas, TX 75230

Mons Reduction in Dallas and Fort Worth, TX


Sometimes women who are researching labiaplasty are actually looking for mons reduction. The mons is the area between the lower abdomen and the pubis and it can become loose or fatty over time. In other cases, the shape and size of the mons is determined by genetics and this can create discomfort or embarrassment. You might prefer to have a flatter, more subtle mons shape in order to look good in form-fitting clothes.

A mons reduction can help you achieve a flat abdomen and enhance your confidence in your appearance. If you are troubled by excessive skin or drooping skin, as often occurs after massive weight loss, you would do better having a monsplasty. However, if excess fatty tissue is the problem, you may be able to achieve your goals with a simple mons reduction.

Reduction Using Liposuction

Mons reduction uses liposuction to remove unwanted fat – typically tumescent or ultrasonic liposuction. In both these procedures, excess fat is suctioned away through a very small incision and using a very narrow tube. This removes excess bulk from the mons area and allows Dallas Cosmetic Surgeon, Dr. Rai to sculpt the new contour with more precision.

Mons Reduction Recovery

By using very small incisions, modern liposuction leaves very small scars and they are virtually unnoticeable. Mons reduction is an outpatient procedure lasting for an hour or less, depending on the amount of fat being removed. You may return home the same day and resume your regular activities after a few days. Make sure to avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting. You will be wearing a compression garment during your recovery to help the mons heal in the desired shape.

If you have questions about mons reduction or would like to make an appointment for a consultation, please contact Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Rai at The Cosmetic Surgical Center today. We serve residents of the Dallas and Fort Worth areas of Texas.