The main goal behind neck rejuvenation surgery is to improve the appearance of the sagging, turkey-gobbler-like look that can make patients’ faces appear aged and heavy. One of the most common signs of aging is the loss of cervicomental (neck-to-chin) angle. A less-distinct divide between the neck and the chin prompts a lot of patients to seek out neck rejuvenation treatments. Neck contouring entails the management of the cervical skin, subcutaneous fat, and the platysma muscle. The ideal youthful neck that patients look for is usually characterized by the following:

• Visible underlying muscle structures
• Absence of excess fat, sagging, and wrinkles
• An acute and sharp cervicomental angle

The aging neck is a byproduct of platysmal banding and sagging (weakened neck muscles), accumulated fat, and excess loose skin. It should be noted that aging is not the only cause. Environmental factors can also exacerbate the structures and tissues in the neck. A neck lift can trim away the excess skin, tighten the neck muscles, and remove the excess fat.

Pre-Operative Preparation

Your plastic surgeon will give you detailed pre-operative instructions that you need to follow to get the best results. He will perform a thorough physical exam and take a comprehensive medical history to determine if you are a good fit for the surgery. You will need to stop smoking for at least four weeks before the surgery. Stop taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, and blood thinners at least one week before the surgery. Irrespective of the type or extent of surgery, it is important to stay hydrated before and after the surgery to promote a speedy recovery.

What Are Your Procedure Options?

If excess fat is the only problem plaguing your neck, then liposuction alone may suffice to correct the issue. If there are more significant signs of aging like jowling, a turkey wattle, sagging skin, excess fat, and prominent neck bands, then you will need more extensive surgical modifications. Your surgeon will recommend the best course of treatment after examining you thoroughly.

How Is The Procedure Performed?

If your neck needs minimal contouring, then the necklift can be done with liposuction alone. For a full neck lift, the surgeon will make incisions under the chin or behind the ears depending on the type of procedure you have to undergo. The surgeon will then proceed to tighten the platysma muscles and sew them together using internal sutures. Excess fat and loose skin are removed carefully. The skin and tissue are repositioned. The surgeon will then close the incision with sutures and may place drains before bandaging the wounds.

While you are recovering, it’s best to avoid strenuous activity for at least a couple of days after the surgery. Bruising and swelling are normal parts of the healing process and can be addressed using various methods as recommended by your surgeon. Your full recovery directions will be given to you by your plastic surgeon.

Arranging a Neck Lift Consultation

Speak with Dr. Rai to learn more regarding the neck lift procedure. To make an appointment for a consultation, contact us today.