Dedicating yourself to losing weight by dieting and exercise is a tremendous achievement. But losing weight is not the end of your body transformation journey. Many people who have undergone major weight loss notice that they are left with areas of the body that have large amounts of loose excess skin. At the Cosmetic Surgical Center, we can help you reach your body goals through body contouring surgery

What Is Body Contouring Surgery?

Body contouring surgery refers to a variety of surgical procedures that focus on removing excess skin and pockets of stubborn fat in order to give the treated area a tighter and more toned appearance. At the Cosmetic Surgical Center, we offer a variety of body contouring procedures. Options we offer include:

Liposuction can also be performed for patients who have a bit of excess bulk around certain areas of their body but no excess loose tissue. Liposuction can also be performed along with procedures like a tummy tuck for more comprehensive results. 

We also offer options like a mommy makeover for mothers who are struggling to restore the pre-pregnancy appearance of their bodies. A mommy makeover can include body contouring procedures, as well as breast enhancement procedures such as a breast lift. 

Schedule a Consultation

Contact the Cosmetic Surgical Center in Dallas today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rai. He can let you know if you are a good candidate for body contouring surgery and can provide you with beautiful and natural-looking results.