The signs of aging are diverse and can affect different areas of the face. Often, the first area to show signs of aging is the eyelids. Sagging, wrinkling and puffiness in the eyelids can leave you looking older and tired. With the eyelid lift, you can rejuvenate your appearance.

The eyelid lift, also known as the blepharoplasty, can be effective for treating cosmetic and functional issues.

When the eyelids age, they can droop and sag to the point where vision may be impaired. This surgical procedure can be performed to remove excess skin. A transconjunctival blepharoplasty is a technique option for this procedure and is helpful for removing eyelid puffiness.

Speak with Dr. Vasdev Rai to learn more information about the eyelid lift.

Contact us at our office in Dallas to schedule a consultation.