Dallas plastic surgeon Dr. Vasdev Rai is often asked to give advice to patients who want tummy tuck surgery in Dallas.

A tummy tuck can be a very rewarding procedure for appropriate candidates who are prepared and understand what to expect from the surgery. One of the most important steps is choosing the right plastic surgeon. Preparing your body with healthy diet and lifestyle will improve healing, reduce the risk of complications, and help you maintain your beautiful results.

Choosing a Plastic Surgeon for your Tummy Tuck in Dallas

When considering any cosmetic surgery, it is very important that you choose a surgeon that you feel comfortable with and trust. In addition to your gut feeling, make sure your surgeon is a board certified plastic surgeon as these surgeons have been certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery as safe and ethical. Vasdev Rai, M.D., is a board certified plastic surgeon who performs tummy tuck surgery in Dallas, Texas.

Tobacco and Nicotine Users

If you smoke, use tobacco products, or nicotine products including e-cigarettes and nicotine patches or gum, you must stop in advance of your surgery. Many smokers are under the impression that it is sufficient to stop smoking, but it is not. By-products of smoking, and nicotine itself impair healing and can lead to serious complications.

Ideally, you should stop all nicotine use three months before your surgery, and plan to quit indefinitely. For those who do not quit indefinitely, understand that it is imperative that you not smoke or use nicotine products for at least three months after your procedure.

Find out if a tummy tuck is right for you. Please schedule a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Vasdev Rai. Dr. Rai provides cosmetic surgery procedures to patients living in Dallas, Fort Worth, and surrounding areas of Texas.