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Archive for June, 2008

Constants of Beauty

One common reason given why people should not have cosmetic surgery is that notions of beauty are the product of fashion and that fashion is changeable.They often point to Marilyn Monroe and say that she was considered beautiful in her day, but would be considered overweight by today’s supermodel standards. There are a number of […]

Considering the Botox Breast Lift

A Botox breast lift is a relatively new procedure.It works by injecting the pectoral muscles with Botox, which causes them to relax.When these muscles relax, other muscles are forced to take up the slack.In terms of the chest, this is largely the muscles in the upper back, which results in a repositioning of the shoulder […]

Injection Lipolysis: A Realistic Alternative to Liposuction?

Injection lipolysis claims to remove stubborn fat deposits in a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that, like liposuction, can get rid of stubborn fat deposits.In this treatment, a chemical is injected into fatty deposits, causing the fat to dissolve.Although not yet FDA-approved, it continues to be practiced by many doctors, who tout its benefits. However, there is […]

Having Trouble Finding a Job? Consider Plastic Surgery

According to a survey of doctors performed by the American Society of Dermatological Surgery, there is remarkable growth in one sector of the economy you would not expect:the unemployed.With the sluggish economy experiencing low job growth rates, competition for positions is fierce, leading job-seekers to try and find every possible advantage.Among these advantages is looking […]

Cosmetic Surgery Fashion Show Gives Patients a Chance to Shine

Cosmetic surgery can give people shy about their appearance the opportunity to feel better about themselves and the way they look.Just how much better they feel is shown by what has been billed as the first ever plastic surgery fashion show in the United States.The show, which took place in Long Island yesterday, allowed a […]

Superheroes and Cosmetic Surgery

Last week, I wrote about the role of idealized breasts in fantasy texts, and along these lines, we might consider the exhibit currently going on at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, entitled, Superheroes:Fashion and Fantasy. According to the curator, Andrew Bolton, “at the heart superheroes are issues related to the body, identity, and transformation, and […]

Is Cosmetic Surgery for You?

The British news magazine Mirror ran a very simple, but effective piece entitled “Plastic Surgery: The Arguments for and against.” Unlike many pseudo-news articles that attempt to impose the magazine’s rational processes upon readers, the feature takes a simple, objective approach. The feature includes a brief narrative from each of two women, both in their […]

Breasts, Gaming, and Fantasy

The recent furor over the accidental breast reduction given to female characters in the online game universe of Age of Conan calls our attention to the importance that amply-endowed women play in fantasy texts of all types. Complaints have long been lodged against a number of art forms that target adolescent or pre-adolescent boys. In […]