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Tan Tax Replacing Botax?

On December 15, 2009, this space reported on a planned cosmetic surgery tax of five percent. It was in a healthcare bill being considered by the U.S. Senate. Now the Senate has replaced that tax with a ten percent tax on tanning salons. Apparently, cosmetic surgeons presented an effective opposition to that five percent tax, […]

Dispute Over Missing Breast Implants

In July 2008 in Taipei, a woman with a last name of Hung and an unknown first name had breast augmentation done. The surgeon was one Lee Chin-liang, the son-in-law of a TV show host. Lee advised Hung to come in for a second surgery in September of this year and he would adjust the […]

Breast Implants an Issue in Divorce

A couple in North Dakota is divorcing in Isaacson v. Isaacson and in dividing up the marital assets, the husband wants to count the money spent on his wife’s breast implants. He wants the cost of one implant repaid to him. The Judge stated that this was “absolutely nonsense” and said: “I can’t imagine people […]

The Botax and the Implant Imposition

The U.S. Senate is currently considering a bill for what the media call “health care reform”, meaning the imposition of government-run healthcare. It includes a five percent tax on all cosmetic surgery – procedures such as liposuction, BOTOX® Cosmetic, and breast implants that are done to enhance one’s appearance rather than to repair an abnormality […]

BOTOX® For a Breast Lift?

Before BOTOX® was used for cosmetic surgery purposes, it was used to treat spastic disorders (diseases that feature involuntary muscle movement; examples are Multiple Sclerosis and Cerebral Palsy). By injecting BOTOX® Cosmetic, those individual muscles are temporarily paralyzed, giving the patient relief from the recurrent, jerky movements. It is still used this way and was […]

Breast Enlargement Tax Failed in New Jersey

In 2004, New Jersey implemented a six percent tax on breast enlargement that was proposed by Democrat Assemblyman Joseph Cryan. It has driven cosmetic surgery patients to other states for their procedures and has not generated anything like what New Jersey Democrats had expected. In 2008 it generated about $9 million and cost an unknown […]

Understanding Surgical Risks

Media outlets are making a big deal out of the death of the former Miss Argentina, Solange Magnano, after complications from her cosmetic surgery. She had a buttock lift or perhaps buttock implants and reports say that she died from a pulmonary embolism – a blockage in the lungs. Gluteoplasty is a low-risk procedure and […]

Healthcare Bill Would Tax Cosmetic Surgery

As you probably know, the Democrat-led Congress is trying to put U.S. health care under government control and last week the House passed a bill in this direction. Now the Senate is working on their plan. The plan backed by the White House would put a five percent tax on cosmetic surgery. With all the […]

She Faked Cancer to Raise Funds for Breast Augmentation

Charity organizations are rightly upset at the moment over reports that one Trista Joy Lathem deceived them and obtained over $10,000 in donations for breast enlargement. Lathem had married this past April but her marriage was having problems. According to a police affidavit, she decided to tell her husband that she had cancer, in hopes […]

Choose Your Plastic Surgery on Your iPhone?

In the 1990s, not many plastic surgeons were promoting their practice on the Web, but Dr. Steven Denenberg blazed that trail. He noticed that of the few cosmetic surgery websites that were on the Web, none had any Before and After photos. He launched his own site and added several hundred such photos to show […]