Breast Reduction: Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by Dr. Vasdev Rai and Dr. Surjit Rai in Dallas, TX
Patient 1
This is a patient in her late 40s. She is 5 ft 6 inches tall. She wanted to reduce her breast size.
Before surgery photos show breast weight and size disproportionate to her body structure. Breasts are also uneven. Left breast is larger than her right breast.
Post-surgery photos are taken 4 months after her surgery. 429 grams of breast tissue was removed from her left breast and 339 grams was removed from her right breast. New breast size suits her body frame.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 2
This is a patient in her 50s. She presented to us for Breast Reduction. She is 5ft 8 inches tall and weighs 140 lbs.
Before surgery photos show that her breasts were too large and heavy for her body frame. She also had excess breast tissue and skin folds in her armpits. Her left breast was larger than her right breast.
Her surgery consisted of reducing her breasts and excising excess tissues and skin from her armpits. 483 grams of breast was removed from her left breast. 468 grams of breast was removed from her right breast. Skin rolls and breast tissue from armpit area were excised.
16 grams of tissue was removed from left armpit and 38 grams was removed from her right armpit.
Post-surgery photos show her result at 4 months after surgery. Her breasts are now proportionate to her body, look shapely and youthful. Armpit skin rolls have been eliminated.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 3
This is a patient in her late 30s who was a GGG/H cup. She wanted to be more proportional after a breast reduction. She was also having issues with back pain, neck pain, shoulder strap grooving, and rashes under her breasts. She underwent a breast reduction with significant improvement in her symptoms. She is very happy with the results of her surgery.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 4
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 5
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 6
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 7
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 8
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 9
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.