Rhinoplasty: Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by Dr. Vasdev Rai and Dr. Surjit Rai in Dallas, TX
Patient 1
This photo set illustrates how it is important to keep rhinoplasties natural.
This patient had a closed rhinoplasty. All aspects of this young patient’s noses were sculpted and modified to blend with her other facial features.
Changes are subtle but the impact is unmistakable as seen in her before and after photos.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 2
Front view of patient shows an irregularity in form of bony hump in upper part of bridge, nasal tip area lacks delicacy, upper lip is tented up because of projection of nasal septum into it, that holds it up. Closed rhinoplasty technique was utilized; thus, no external incisions were made. Nasal bridge was rasped to remove bony irregularity. Nasal tip cartilages were reduced and refined, base of upper lip was freed from its suspension at nasal spine area to let it settle down naturally. Thus, a natural and beautiful nose was created.
Right and left profile photos of this patient show how her nose structurally overweighs her facial features, it has a dorsal bony and cartilaginous hump on her nasal bridge, nasal tip droops from nose. Septum of nose projects below nose’s desired length, upper lip is tented up, and suspended to her nose.
Improvement is obvious in all these regards in her postoperative photos. Nasal dorsum is smooth and has the right height for her nose. Nasal tip no longer droops, and nasal tip is nicely projecting. Upper lip is no longer tented up and has a nice relationship to nose itself.
These are 45- degree right and 45-degree left profile photos of patient that show in details issues related to her nasal hump, nasal tip, nasal length and upper lip and how beautifully refined nose was achieved with closed rhinoplasty technique.
Good rhinoplasties enhance and beautify noses in all three dimensions.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 3
This patient had sought rhinoplasty for refining her nasal tip and nasal bridge. Her nose was wide.
A closed rhinoplasty was done. After surgery photos were taken three years after her surgery. Now she has a greatly enhanced definition of her nasal tip. Nose is narrow and has a nice height.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 4
Are front, profiles and 45-degree profiles of before and after pictures of a patient in her mid-twenties. Closed rhinoplasty was performed to refine, define and beautify nasal aesthetics. All nasal features were addressed and refined, improving nasal tip and tip to upper lip relationship. Nasal bridge was sharpened, and its visible hump was removed.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 5
Are front and profile photos of patient in her 20s. With Closed rhinoplasty technique nasal refinement was done. Heaviness of nose was reduced. Nose was narrowed. Nasal bridge was improved by eliminating its hump. Nasal length was subtly reduced to fit her face. Heaviness of nasal tip was modified to make it look more delicate.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 6
This patient is in her 20s. She had a prominent nasal hump. Nose was deviated. Tip of nose needed more definition. Nostrils were wide.
All these features were corrected and refined with a closed rhinoplasty technique. We also did liposuction of her neck to define her neck line.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 7
Patient is in her 20s. Her nose is too large for her face and lacks defining aesthetics. Namely, her nose is too high for her face. Dorsal line is straight. Nose is too long. Nasal tip is non-descript.
Closed Rhinoplasty was done. Subtle curve of nasal dorsum was achieved along with reduction of length of nose. Nasal tip was improved so that it was elegantly lifted of at nasal tip and brought dorsal line of nose to an elegant finish.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 8
Patient has a hump on her nasal bridge, nose is too large for her delicate face. Nasal tip area looks bulbous. There is also tenting of her upper lip from cartilage at base of her nose, which is lifting it up.
After photos show correction of all nasal features. Hump is smoothed out and bridge of nose is now straight. The tip of nose looks delicate. Nostrils are enhanced. Nose length is proportionate to her face and compliments her face. Upper lip is not awkwardly lifted up.
Of note is the fact that patient also had slight chin deficiency. However, it was so subtle that we decided against using a small chin implant.
In patients there is more chin weakness we use chin implants to restore balance of nose and chin.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 9
This patient is in teens. Her nose is too long for her face. Nose has a bony hump on its bridge. Nasal tip droops. Septum extends too far into columella giving hanging columella effect.
Closed rhinoplasty was done.
Nasal length was subtly reduced. Hump on nasal bridge was removed. Elevation of nasal tip was achieved. Upper lip to nose relationship was enhanced.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 10
This patient is 15 years old at time of her rhinoplasty. Her nose was too heavy for her delicate face. Nose had heavy bone structures. Cartilages were heavy and added bulk to her nose. Nose also was too wide.
Closed rhinoplasty was done.
Tip cartilages were reduced and contoured, bridge was reduced, nose was made narrow. Overall debulking and enhancement was done to restore facial balance.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.