Patient has a hump on her nasal bridge, nose is too large for her delicate face. Nasal tip area looks bulbous. There is also tenting of her upper lip from cartilage at base of her nose, which is lifting it up.
After photos show correction of all nasal features. Hump is smoothed out and bridge of nose is now straight. The tip of nose looks delicate. Nostrils are enhanced. Nose length is proportionate to her face and compliments her face. Upper lip is not awkwardly lifted up.
Of note is the fact that patient also had slight chin deficiency. However, it was so subtle that we decided against using a small chin implant.
In patients there is more chin weakness we use chin implants to restore balance of nose and chin.
Rhinoplasty: Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by Dr. Vasdev Rai and Dr. Surjit Rai in Dallas, TX
Patient Case #7939