Buttock Roll Excision: Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by Dr. Vasdev Rai and Dr. Surjit Rai in Dallas, TX
Patient 1
This patient is in her 50s. Before surgery photos shows excess skin rolls at buttock-thigh junctions. Buttock roll excisions were done.
After surgery photos show marked improvement after excess rolls were removed. There is also improvement of appearance of thighs from incidental tightening that was achieved just from excision of her buttock roll.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 2
This patient is in her 50s. In the photos buttock rolls are outlined in green on upper thighs- buttock junctions. Green outlines on buttock surfaces are demarcating irregularities on buttock surfaces. These will also be corrected by direct placement of dermis-fat grafts in them. Green markings on inner knee markings outline fat deposits on knees. These will be removed by direct liposuction of this fat.
After surgery photos show correction achieved by excision of buttock rolls in this patient. Scar of operation is imperceptible. Operation also has created an illusion of fuller buttocks without any fat injections.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.