Breast Revision: Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by Dr. Vasdev Rai and Dr. Surjit Rai in Dallas, TX
Patient 1
This patient had an earlier breast augmentation. She presented with a marked stretching of lower parts of her breasts. Nipple and areola had been displaced into upper parts of breasts.
Correction was done by using lower portion of skin of breasts to raise physical level of breasts on her chest. This reduced breast length without any scars on the breasts.
Breast tissues themselves were rolled back into breasts, increasing breast fullness. Breast implant sizes were reduced to reflect this added fullness achieved with natural breast tissues.
Reductions of lower lengths of breasts automatically corrected positions of nipple areolas.
Simply stated a shelf was created at a higher level on the chest. Breasts themselves were molded and placed on this self. This approach avoids any scarring on the breast surface.
This approach is applicable to situations were nipple areolas are naturally high and breast lift is needed.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 2
This patient had a “Bottoming Out” effect after her previous Submuscular Breast Augmentation. Her surgery had been done at another plastic surgical practice. Weight of implants had stretched the pocket of implants below her natural breast creases. This had caused sky facing nipples and areolas. This sky gazing effect is called “bottoming out of breasts”. Essentially, it is an artifact caused by the implants.
She had severe animation deformities of her breasts from muscle contractions. Animation deformity to some degree always happens with placement of implants beneath muscles.
We approached this issue by removing her implants from submuscular location and obliterating the submuscular space.
New subglandular space was made in front of muscles along desired breast outlines. Same implants were now placed anatomically in the subglandular position.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 3
This is patient in her late 20s. She came to see us because of her displeasure with her breast augmentation. She had her surgery elsewhere. At her earlier surgery the surgeon had used 375 cc silicone gel implants in subglandular location of her breasts. She did not like the fact that her left implant had shifted outwards. This had left behind emptiness next to her left cleavage. She also felt that her implants were too heavy.
She had sought multiple opinions from other plastic surgeons before seeing us at our center. All her other opinions recommended using some variant or the other of synthetic or allograft sling to correct her implant drift.
We are against using slings for cosmetic surgery. In our practice slings are only useful for breast reconstructions but are unnecessary in cosmetic surgery of breast. We like to use existing natural structures to reshape and recontour breasts.
We tightened her existing breast skin envelope to hold left implant in more desirable location and improve the aesthetics of her breasts. We also reduced her implant size by 25 cc and used 350 cc breast implants to reduce the weight of her breasts. This would reduce her future breast sagging.
Post-surgery photos are taken six months after her revisional mammoplasty. She is pleased.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 4
These are frontal and profile pictures of a patient who previously had undergone breast augmentation with saline implants. Her implants had been placed behind her muscles. She had suffered deflation of her right implant.
Even before this deflation she had reservations about her appearance. Her strong muscles dwarfed her implant projections. She also had significant flex deformity from her muscle/implant interaction. She liked lifting weights and submuscular implants posed constant interference to lifting weights.
Her surgery was revised by exchanging saline implants with silicone gel implants. Replacement implants were placed subglandular. A better cleavage, a better projection and more natural breast appearance was thus achieved.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 5
The patient had submuscular implants at her previous surgery. She was not happy with her outcome for following reasons:
Her breasts lacked cleavage, they had a plastered look and they lacked natural float effect of an aesthetic breast. Her strong muscles had her implants compressed and flattened against her rib cage. Implants also sat high and above her natural breasts.
Replacement of implants in subglandular space corrected all her reservations. Her new enhanced and natural appearance is evident in her post-operative photographs. Her cleavage, an important feature of all beautiful breasts has been restored.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.