Front view of patient shows an irregularity in form of bony hump in upper part of bridge, nasal tip area lacks delicacy, upper lip is tented up because of projection of nasal septum into it, that holds it up. Closed rhinoplasty technique was utilized; thus, no external incisions were made. Nasal bridge was rasped to remove bony irregularity. Nasal tip cartilages were reduced and refined, base of upper lip was freed from its suspension at nasal spine area to let it settle down naturally. Thus, a natural and beautiful nose was created.
Right and left profile photos of this patient show how her nose structurally overweighs her facial features, it has a dorsal bony and cartilaginous hump on her nasal bridge, nasal tip droops from nose. Septum of nose projects below nose’s desired length, upper lip is tented up, and suspended to her nose.
Improvement is obvious in all these regards in her postoperative photos. Nasal dorsum is smooth and has the right height for her nose. Nasal tip no longer droops, and nasal tip is nicely projecting. Upper lip is no longer tented up and has a nice relationship to nose itself.
These are 45- degree right and 45-degree left profile photos of patient that show in details issues related to her nasal hump, nasal tip, nasal length and upper lip and how beautifully refined nose was achieved with closed rhinoplasty technique.
Good rhinoplasties enhance and beautify noses in all three dimensions.