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Category Archives: Breast Augmentation

Plan Summer Surgery Now

Whether you’re a teacher or a student, summer is an ideal time for plastic surgery. If you don’t normally see coworkers or fellow students over the summer, it gives you the perfect opportunity to have your plastic surgery and get fully recovered without anyone seeing you during your recovery. For teachers, it’s an excellent opportunity […]

Breast Implant at Career Day: Whats the Big Deal?

Career days are a normal part of the elementary school experience. Children learn about the possible careers available to them so they understand the world of choices that education can open for them. And it’s normal career day advice that speakers should bring visual aids to keep children engaged and help them understand what the […]

Cancer Concerns about Breast Augmentation with Natural Fat

Recently, proponents of breast augmentation using fat grafting published an article in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal claiming that the main causes for concern were due to laboratory situations that are not related to actual clinical practice. They claim that because there have been over 2000 fat-grafting procedures to the breast performed without a single documented […]

Timing Plastic Surgery for Your Wedding

If you are like a lot of women and considering plastic surgery or cosmetic procedure to look your best for a wedding, it’s important that you get the timing right. After all, most procedures have a recovery period when you will not yet be enjoying your final results. During this period, you may also not […]

New Research Refines Notions of Female Attractiveness

We had looked a few months ago at research showing men focused on women’s breasts more than any other feature when asked to determine attractiveness. One problem with the research, we said, was that it didn’t compare front-posed and back-posed images. Now a new study has rectified that weakness. In a new study published in […]

Old Foes Keep Up Fight to Ban Breast Implants

This week, members of the Scottish parliament considered a petition by one of their constituents to ban silicone breast implants from use in breast augmentation. The campaign is being kept up by a woman who had a breast augmentation in 1985, an operation she claims caused her to suffer a wide array of health problems, […]

In Australia, Breast Augmentation Covered by Medicare

The Australian healthcare system is different from that in the US, with a single-payer system (called Medicare) designed to provide affordable or even free medical care to every resident. And this includes breast augmentation, in some cases. There are relatively few claims for Medicare-reimbursed breast augmentation, but the numbers are growing. There were 361 claims […]

The Future of Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is the most popular plastic surgery procedures used today. Last year, there were nearly 300,000 breast augmentations, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), and it seems unlikely that there will be much of a decline in the near future. Despite changing trends in fashion and style, the trend in human […]

Boob Job in a BottleNot Proven, but Likely not Harmful

Breast enlargement creams are finally, it seems, ready to make the leap from late-night infomercials to the shelves of major retailers. But does this jump to the big time, mean these products give “big time” results? The claim is that they do. The manufacturer, Rodial, claims that its “Boob Job” product will increase breast size […]

Eye-Tracking Shows Most Men Look at Womens Breasts First

A paper published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior by researchers from the University of Wellington showed that less than 20% of men look at a woman’s face first when judging her attractiveness. The study used eye-tracking software to evaluate where men were looking during a five-second period that they looked at and evaluate the […]